Saturday 9 July 2016

The Magic of Rain

“Rain Rain Go Away, Come Home Another Day….”
This might be the most common rhyme on your lips during the wet months of the year!  However, the romanticism and drama of rain makes for wonderful pictures and even better canvases. Here are our top 5 ideas for the rainy season:

1. Raindrops falling on Water
We’re absolutely fascinated by the magic of water drops falling on water on the ground – in puddles, streams, ponds, water-bodies. A slow motion photo of water droplets make for amazing photos and the same on canvas provides a magical effect.

2. Smiling Faces, Colorful Umbrellas
The first rain bring out smiles, earthy smells and colorful umbrellas. The kids have fun and like to frolic amidst puddles. All these present themselves as beautiful photo opportunities – so, go out and snap some lovely photos. They will lend themselves to some of the best canvases on your wall

3. Rain and Nature
Rains bring in a new freshness in nature – everything turns into different shades of green. Nature presents multiple photo opportunities.  Look out for those water droplets on leaves and flowers; check that shiny spider web with water droplets trapped in it – all these are magical moments for your pictures and canvas prints.

4. Rainbows
Rains bring in rainbows and they provide some of the best moments to be captured on cheap canvas prints. Be it City or the rural area, a colorful rainbow across the sky makes for some amazing photos

5. Clouds & Lightning
The dark clouds which ominously gather before rains also provide for some spectacular moments to be captured on a frame. The lightning striking through the clouds provides the brilliance that makes many a photos instant classics.

So take out your cameras and head-out to snap some beautiful photos this rainy season and Print Arcade help you showcase them on elegant canvases at affordable prices!

Thursday 30 June 2016

Basic Tips to Take Perfect Photo for a Canvas

Expensive cameras do not equate to perfect photos on canvas!  However, following some basic techniques and a good camera can get you the perfect shot!  Some basic steps and suggestions from our end to get your perfect shot for the canvas:

1. Set your camera to ‘Highest’ Quality Mode & Ensure Enough Free Memory

Your camera or phone may be able to take photos of a certain amount of pixels, but this doesn't necessarily mean that all photos taken will be captured using the highest pixels possible. So, ensure that your camera is set to high quality mode and there is enough memory.  For example, if your camera or SD card is low on memory, your camera may automatically switch to taking photos using fewer pixels in order to save them to your device – the smaller the pixels the smaller the file. This, of course, will cause quality problems and when printed on canvas, this distortion will be obvious.
2. Straighten the Horizon
Always pay attention to the lines and horizons in your photograph, even if you are taking a portrait. This is because unintentional angular lines throw off the balance of the photograph – the eye prefers level lines instead of uneven angles. This is even more important when considering a canvas, as your print will be hung on a wall above a fireplace, bed, or sofa. With straight lines surrounding your canvas, your image will look extremely out of place if it has been taken at an awkward angle.
Don't just look in the foreground – the background needs to be level too. There is a really easy way to make sure everything in your picture lines up, and most phones allow you to do this too. In your settings you will have the option of turning your viewfinder on or off. If you turn it on, you will see vertical and horizontal rulers on your screen that will allow you to align your images correctly. You can then view your photos normally without the viewfinder on.
3. Shoot in a Good Light
Lighting is very important when it comes to taking photographs and even average lighting can define the difference between an amazing picture and a poor one. For printing on a canvas, you will need to take photos in a setting with a lot of natural light in order to get the highest quality print possible. If you are using a mobile phone or a compact camera try to avoid using flash and taking photographs in dark settings as the image you take will distort when it is printed big.
If you stand with the light behind you when taking a photograph, the subject of your shot will naturally light up, avoiding shadows across their structure. This isn't just relevant for portraits as photographs of nature, landscapes and buildings will be the same.
4. Stabilize – Use a Tripod
Steadiness of your hand is very crucial to the final outcome of your shot. Many a times, the difference between a great and a good shot is how steady was your hand when the shot was taken. Good old tripods can be very handy to provide that steadiness especially when it comes to nature photography, shooting landscapes and sporting shots!

These basic tips can result in great photos.  Great Photos make beautiful canvases!  Canvases make everlasting memories!  At Print Arcade, we look forward to giving your photos a life of its own through our canvases – a cheap but treasured way to soak into your memories

Wednesday 22 June 2016

50 Shades of Sky on the Canvas

When it comes to choosing an image to print on to canvas, most people stick to the tried and tested formats: their family and children, landscapes, pets, etc. How about trying something different – something that looks absolutely brilliant when printed really large. Any guesses? Just step outside on a clear day or clear night, look up and tell us what you see...
Twinkle Twinkle Millions of Star

We’re absolutely inspired by the beauty of the night sky. Take a look up on a clear night in the outback and the view is breath-taking. For example, the night sky at Uluru is teaming with millions of stars. It’s a perfect fit for canvas on a bedroom wall or a study room. Just take a look at these images that we found on erstwhile (now Adobe Stock) available for download for one single dollar! Any of these skyscapes would look stellar printed large on a bedroom wall, and they’re just a small selection of those available.

The Blue Sky

Clear blue skies with its formation of white clouds lend itself to some amazing photos and pictures for canvases. Any of them can find a place in your living room giving it that extra persona of its own!
The Orange Sky

Mornings and Evenings provide perfect time to get colorful orange, red and pink skies which can run a color riot on canvas! And we have not even started talking about the sunrise and sunset photos which themselves are so magical!!

So go out and take beautiful shots…and Print Arcade will help you make them into treasured artefacts on your walls!

Saturday 11 June 2016

Your Kid’s Artwork on Canvas

Your kid’s childhood is synonymous with creativity! Right from the age they learn to hold a crayon or pencil, their whole world and your home becomes their canvas! Walls, papers, magazines, clothes, their bodies – all are coloured reflecting their creativity at most unexpected times and unexpected places! Here are three of our favourite ideas on how to build lasting memories out of your kid’s artwork:

Digitize – Take photo of all artwork
Digital cameras and photos are a boon – take snaps of as many artwork as you can OR scan them. Many times the artworks lend themselves to beautiful collages which can then be captured on a canvas for lasting memories.

Photos of models and 3D art work
Little Kids love making paper models, clay models, legworks while older kids love doing different kinds of wooden, metal and electronic models. Photos of these models are a great reminder of creativity of your kids and putting a life sized canvas picture of the models is a great way to remember their best creative moment

Face paintings
Little kids may get as many as 10 face-paintings done every year in their growing up years. Sometimes they get creative and do their own body-painting too! Capture all these moments and build a beautiful collage. This collage on your canvas will remind you of how much colour was a part of your kid’s formative years!

So, go ahead and capture your kid’s artwork on a photo and we will help them put them on beautiful canvas prints at cheap prices!

Saturday 4 June 2016

Cool Tips for Snow Canvases in Australia

With Australia heading into winter and expecting its first snowfall of the winter, many fair-weather photographers will be snuggling up in front of the fire keeping warm... but the more adventurous among you will want to get out and capture this winter wonderland on camera. This week we share our top tips for shooting great snow pictures.  These snow pictures can be put on elegant canvases in a cheap and effective manner and be made the center pieces of attraction of your home!
1. Early to Rise and Early to Shoot!
Part of the magic of shooting in the snow is capturing those untouched shots before anyone has walked through it. Wrap up warm and head out as soon as the snow has finished falling, because you can guarantee that it won’t stay fresh for long!
Early mornings many times are the best times to be out and about shooting beautiful pictures!

2. Lighting is the key - Get your exposure right!
Winter and Snow means – lots of dark and white! Our camera generally do a pretty good job of exposing our images correctly for us - but, when it comes to scenes with lots of black or white it can struggle.
Every camera is designed to expose as close to medium grey as possible, which is fine for an evenly lit scene, but in a situation like a snowy day with lots of sunshine, your camera sees all that bright white and tries to balance it by underexposing the entire scene. The answer is to dial in between +1 and +2 stops of exposure compensation.
You should be able to do this with any reasonable spec camera from a compact through to a DSLR. Try it and see how white your snow becomes!

3. Shoot raw OR with a warmer white balance
Shooting raw rather than jpeg gives you the opportunity to recover a lot of detail from any blown highlights in post-production, should you overdo the exposure compensation. You’ll also have a chance to deal with any white balance issues that might occur because your camera will probably make your snow look a little blue. If your camera doesn’t have the ability to shoot raw don’t worry! Choosing a warmer white balance – either cloudy or flash – should get you in the right ballpark.

4. Do not forget spare batteries
Because batteries drain much quicker in cold conditions it’s a good idea to have a couple of spares with you. Instead of leaving them in your bag you can keep them warm by putting them in a pocket close to your skin.

5. Click without waiting to check
Click… – follow the basic digital photography rule to avoid losing the important moment. Winter and snow can be tough time to do family portraits outside when everyone will want to quickly get into warmer insides OR to even hold camera with your fingers and nose freezing – so, do not wait for the perfect moment but keep clicking!  You are bound to capture many beautiful moments.

Hope the above tips help you shoot some winter classics and we can help them put them on beautiful canvas prints! For more help, please visit our Print Arcade official website -

Friday 6 May 2016

Family Pictures - 5 Tips on What to Wear

Family photo shoots are exciting affairs - they mark the passing of another beautiful year for you and your family. If you do your yearly family photos – one of the most important decisions is what should everyone wear?
Finding the right outfits is just as important as finding the right photographer and the right location - so don’t leave it till end! Below are 5 outfit-related tips for a smooth, drama-free photo day.:
1. Keep it Coordinated
While matching was definitely a “thing” in the past, it is (thankfully) no longer considered a best practice. We all have the requisite white t-shirt and blue jeans picture, but now there are more stylish options to consider. Pick a color scheme and then mix and match colors so that everyone is coordinated—but keep it at that.
2. Avoid Feature Characters
You may have a little one who loves Peppa Pig or Incredibles or Batman, but that does not mean characters have a place in your family photo shoot. To prevent a tantrum, bring along the crown or mask for a couple silly photos at the end.
3. Choose Comfortable Options
Comfortable people, great photos!!  Ensure everyone has an outfit in which they are comfortable – no itchy dress, tight pants or loose jacket.  Especially with kids, it’s tempting to pile on cute jackets, capes, boots, and hats. While these accessories can be adorable and fun for you, they’re not always the most comfortable for the child. And as we all know, an uncomfortable child can result in a miserable photo shoot.
Keep your environment in mind as well. A tutu may sound like a great idea, but if you use it on a windy November day, you may have a cold little girl. For these more adventurous outfits, just be sure to have a backup plan in mind.
4. Plan Ahead
To ensure you have plenty of time to assemble your best family picture outfits, plan in advance. Always ensure that everyone tries on their outfit beforehand, so you’re not surprised by any forgotten stains or changes in fit. Having several options for each person may be beneficial as well.
5. Do Keep the Photo Location in Mind
When brainstorming outfit ideas, think about the location of your photo shoot. Are you going to be at home? In your garden? Near a beach or a water body? You can use the setting to guide your outfit choices. For example, softer colors are great for shoots near water, while deep, warm colors are best in rustic or foliage heavy environments.  Seasons – autumn or spring or winter will again make a difference in the kind of colors you choose.

Finding the right family photo outfits takes time, but the end product is well worth the extra effort. Putting these photos on canvas is a sure-shot way to savor the memories for a long time – and PrintArcade can do it for you in a cheap and elegant manner!

Friday 29 April 2016

Mother’s Day Canvas Ideas

With Mother’s Day around the corner, it is time to let your Mom make feel special. Why not make it special for her by presenting her with a beautiful slice of her life on a canvas!
Canvas prints can be a very elegant yet surprisingly cheap way of making it special for your Mom. Below are some ideas on kind of memories you can capture for Mother’s Day:
A Picture of Mom & You
Nothing beats that beautiful picture of you and your mom which has been a cherished memory – get it on the canvas and secretly put it in the living room and see her surprise! It is bound to bring tears of joy!
Capture what Mom Does Best
Every Mom has a passion of hers – be it cooking, gardening, baking those beautiful cakes etc. – capture one of those magical moments on a canvas! Watch your Mom’s eye glint with joy seeing the rocking canvas!
A Family Photo  
Family photos are always favorites and always a winner! Get a family photo on canvas and it is bound to bring lot of memories and be discussion point at home – needless to say, a great gift for Mom!

A Special Event or Occasion
Photo of your Mom winning that baking competition OR blowing her birthday candles OR looking gorgeous in her wedding dress – there are multiple cherished occasions and events to pick the perfect picture to go on canvas. 

Quotations on Canvas

Another beautiful way to capture your feelings for your Mom is to have quotations, sayings or interesting couplets adorn her house walls! They will be an expression of your feelings and make her feel special always! 

Go ahead and make this Mother’s Day special for your Mom! … and let Print Arcade help you make that connection with your Mom through our Canvas!